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Old 10-13-2009, 07:54 AM
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CPU Recognition in Snow Leopard

DigitalDJ from InsanelyMac has made a handy 'tool' to make you're CPU recongnized in Snow Leopard.

He has made a modified bootloader named, Chameleon-2.0-RC3-r658-PCEFIV10.3-ddj0.4

Version 0.4 includes:
- The CD Driver netkas included in PC_EFI 10.2 (but pulled in 10.3)
- A hibernation fix
- This automated CPU injector

You can download it here ( +sources)

DigitalDJ also posted some nice info.

The "boot" file that you have to install is in the above archive under the sym/i386 folder. Install it just as you would Chameleon RC3. If you need exact installation details, they're in "doc/README".

OK, so you've got it installed. Great. Theoretically, with the auto-detection I provided, OSX should now detect your CPU (only works for Core2 Duos, Core i7 and Core2 Quads/Extemes AFAIK).

The autodetection algorithm works as follows:
If you have 4 cores or more (Core i7/Core2 Quads), the bootloader will inject a "Quad-Core Intel Xeon" cpu-type
If you have 2 cores, the bootloader will inject a "Intel Core2 Duo" cpu-type
If you have 1 core, the bootloader will inject a "Intel Core Solo" cpu-type (or at least I think so, this is experimental!!)
If you don't meet the above conditions, the default type is "Intel Core2 Duo".

You can also attempt to manually specify your CPU type by editing smbios.plist with:


Currently, the known numbers to put in this value is as follows:
1281 - Quad-Core Intel Xeon
769 - Intel Core 2 Duo
257 - Intel Core 2 Solo

Core i7 users can also specify their interconnect-speed in the smbios.plist (note this is not done automatically!)


Where 0 is your interconnect speed. If you use the value 0, your interconnect speed will show up as Bus Speed. Core2 Duo and Quad users should ONLY set this value to 0.

OK, I think that'll do it. Try it out, have fun
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