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Old 10-29-2009, 11:06 AM
pαuℓzurrr.'s Avatar
pαuℓzurrr. pαuℓzurrr. is offline
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Boot Camp for Hackintoshes

Got this from prasys blog!

Modin has came up with a solution (that is bypassing certain Boot ROM checks on Apple’s Boot Camp Software) to get Boot Camp to work on Hackintoshes. I’ve tested it out and personally it works as in creating partition and then installing Windows normally via DVD. Before we get on our hands on Boot Camp. I’ve to state few things , that you should take note :

* It only works on GUID Partition Scheme (if you have used MBR , it would not work)
* It will erase your 200MB Hidden EFI partition (so you’ll have to back up your patched kext , dsdt and stuff like that)
* Its either a hit or miss (sometimes it can work)
* There is a chance of making your Macintosh HD corrupt (there is a chance)

Just to let you know that Boot Camp software is just a “front end” for Disk Utility to make it easier for you to partition your drive so that you can install windows. Anyhow lets get started. I’ve already warned that once you start playing with this there is a chance that it will mess your boot loader , so make sure you do know how to recover. Here’s a hint , get a USB stick and install Conti’s myHack installer.

Note : This is just meant for experimental purposes only , just to show that it can be done. Its not meant for production , use. Its just to push how far human brains can go and its meant for educational purpose
Step 1 – Download patched Boot Camp Assistant from here

Step 2 – Replace (Do make backup of the original Boot Camp) Boot Camp Assistant which is located in /Applications/Utilities . Now right click , select Get Info and put a check on Run as 32-bit program. For 32-bit systems , you don’t have to put this check. This is needed because modbin only patched it for 32-bit.

Boot Camp Assistant Get Info Screen - Do put a check on run it as 32-bit program otherwise it will not work

Now just double click and start the process. Select continue and then Create a new partition as shown below

Select Create a partition

3. Select your Macintosh HD (or your Hackintosh partition) and allocate it on how you want it to be.

Your call on how big on how you want your windows partition to be

4. Go grab a coffee and just wait. Go do something. Talk with your girlfriend/boyfriend , go out , go make some sandwiches and pamper yourself. It can take for a while

Bah stop staring at it - Just go out and enjoy the great outdoors

Okay beyond this part. If you can make. You may simply reboot and insert your windows cd and boot from CD and then install Windows. Once done , simply use your myHack USB disk and boot to your Snow Leopard partition and re-do your EFI Partition. i am not going to do this advance . I am not going to explain much in details about it . I hope you can check it out for yourself :P
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Last edited by pαuℓzurrr.; 10-29-2009 at 11:08 AM.
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