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Old 11-08-2009, 05:12 PM
virtualdiver virtualdiver is offline
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13. install Chameleon 1.0.12 on that partition and replace the /boot file (added in pack)

After searching the web for Chameleon 1.0.12 and not finding it, I discovered that it is contained in the 'Bootloader2.dmg' that you supplied in your package.

the Readme 'INSTRUCTIONS:' provided in that package say:


1. Install the Chameleon Package.

2. Using Terminal, copy "boot" to the root of the volume you installed Chameleon on.

sudo -s
cp. /Volumes/Snow Alternative/boot /Volumes/<<VolumeName>>

This did not work for me:

cp. /Volumes/Snow Alternative/boot /Volumes/Snow\ Leopard/
bash: cp.: command not found

I removed period after cp because I could not find it as an option in my Terminal reference - :

cp /Volumes/Snow Alternative/boot /Volumes/Snow\ Leopard/
cp: /Volumes/Snow: No such file or directory

I changed the path syntax in the command line for the source directory:

cp /Volumes/Snow\ Alternative/boot /Volumes/Snow\ Leopard/

this seems to have done the trick.

* Noob Note: My Install partition was named 'Snow Leopard'… so the path for it is:

/Volumes/Snow\ Leopard/

If your Install partition was 'My Partition' (with a space between 'My' and 'Partition', then your path would be:

/Volumes/My\ Partition/

This is probably obvious to everyone else, but if you're as big a Noob as I am to Apple, it might save you a lot of time figuring out the correct syntax.

Last edited by virtualdiver; 11-08-2009 at 06:54 PM.
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Old 11-08-2009, 06:37 PM
virtualdiver virtualdiver is offline
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14. add the following code to on the X61's partition:

This Noob didn't know where the was... after searching, found that it was here:


I opened up Terminal and entered the commands:

sudo -s

cd /Volumes/Snow\ Leopard/Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/


Then I copied the code from this tutorial, step 14, and pasted it to the Terminal window between these lines:

(Added lines of code with an indenting TAB at the beginning of each line)

Control-X to save the file and exit

* Noob Note: My Install partition was named 'Snow Leopard'… so the path for it is:

/Volumes/Snow\ Leopard/

If your Install partition was 'My Partition' (with a space between 'My' and 'Partition', then your path would be:

/Volumes/My\ Partition/

Last edited by virtualdiver; 11-08-2009 at 06:53 PM.
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Old 03-24-2010, 06:55 AM
CeleronPopsicle CeleronPopsicle is offline
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Why is this a good hackintosh? This machine costs as much or more than a MacBook with similar specs.
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Old 10-06-2010, 07:12 AM
fraisdos fraisdos is offline
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dsdt x61s


I just succesfully installed SL with all update to 10.6.4. All through MyHack + some kexts.

Still have some bug with the usb ports. Mostly work but if I plug on iPhone the sync to iPhoto fails.

For the rest, sound, ethernet, graphic, battery meter, that pretty work well.

In the first post of this thread it is mentioned that dsdt file will be uploaded. Where is the link for that ? I will test it in order to if this improve the usb ports comportment.

Thank for your support.

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Old 11-08-2009, 11:09 PM
Pitrako Pitrako is offline
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Posts: 4

I´m running SL on my X61s.

By now Sleep don´t works, it seems to go to sleep but for awake I have to push the on button and then SL load form the beggining.

Another thing is, is possible to get the middle trackpoint button to works like in Windows for do the scrolling!!???... that trick is very useful for surf in webs!.

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Old 11-17-2009, 12:28 AM
virtualdiver virtualdiver is offline
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This is the original guide with my notes about the methods I employed to install SL to my X61s... I'm still getting kernel panics, I think there must be one little thing I don't understand how to do properly, if you could look at this and let me know, I would greatly appreciate it.

My installation notes are in RED. Use them at your own risk... I may have something wrong.

Installing Snow Leopard on ThinkPad X61

Hi everybody,

I have just successfully installed Snow Leopard on my ThinkPad X61s, from which I'm writing right now. I think this should also work with 10.5 vanilla too.
Also, should be the same as with ThinkPads X61 Tablet and T61 (version with GMA X3100).

What you need:
1. another computer running Snow Leopard (Leopard is probably okay too)
2. a screwdriver
3. a couple of .kexts (listed below)
4. about 2 hours or your time

My ThinkPad X61 Pack

Here are the steps:
1. backup all your data from your X61
2. take out the hard disk from your X61 (there only one screw, then pull out the HDD)
3. install the 2.5" disk from X61 to an external enclosure or a desktop PC
4. format the disk using GUID Partition Table (if you want to multiboot later then make a more then one partition)
(For the next part of the install you will need to change Finder so that you can see hidden system files)
To Show hidden files in Finder:
A. Open terminal and type:
defaults write AppleShowAllFiles YES
B. Restart finder by holding the option (or PC keyboard Alt) key and right-clicking (or click-and-hold the left mouse button) on the Finder icon in the dock. Select "Restart Finder".
To Hide hidden files in Finder:
A. Open terminal and type:
defaults write AppleShowAllFiles NO
B. Restart finder by holding the option (or PC keyboard Alt) key and right-clicking (or click-and-hold the left mouse button) on the Finder icon in the dock. Select "Restart Finder".
Download Tools folder from:
To Show hidden files in Finder:
A. Launch the 'ShowAllFiles' (included in 'Tools' folder) and click 'Show'.
To Hide hidden files in Finder:
B. Launch the 'ShowAllFiles' (included in 'Tools' folder) and click 'Hide'.

5. install Snow Leopard onto the X61's disk by directly opening the OSInstall.mpkg from /System/Installation/Packages on the SL's image
6. when installation completes, copy the provided dsdt.aml to root directory of your new SL - In Finder, Drag-and-drop dsdt.aml from the ThinkPad- X61 Pack /DSDT folder to the root directory of your new SL drive.
7. install latest fakesmc.kext from (or you can try the newest dsmos.kext - a bit slower but shutdown and reboot works) Drag-and-drop this kext to the System/Library/Extensions/ on the new SL drive ( - Download the snowleopard version (not the leopard version) of this kext - - The one I used is from the page dated August 22, 2009. When you click on the link you will be directed to After downloading the file will unzip itself in your 'Downloads' folder).
8. add the ID of Atheros card to IO80211Family.kext (see the link on bottom on how to do that)
9. remove the kexts: AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement and AppleIntelCPUPowerManagementClient and AppleHDA.kext - drag-and-drop these three kexts into the Trash
10. replace the FrameBuffer kext with the one provided - AppleIntelGMAX3100FB.kext - In Finder, drag-and-drop the original AppleIntelGMAX3100FB.kext from /System/Library/Extensions/ into the Trash and copy-and-paste the new kext from the 'X61-BrightnessPack' folder to /System/Library/Extensions/ on the new SL drive.
11. install VoodooHDA (for audio) from ThinkPad- X61 Pack/VoodooHDA-0.2.2/ folder, VoodooPS2Controller (for keyboard and Trackpoint) (found in ThinkPad-X61 Pack/kexts/ folder… this is an installer pkg.… run it, make sure to point the installer to your new SL drive and check the 'Trackpad' and 'keyboard' options to install both) and IOSDHCIBlockDevice.kext (for SDHC card reader) and Intel82566MM.kext (for LAN) (also found in the ThinkPad-X61 Pack/kexts/ folder… In Finder, drag-and-drop these files to /System/Library/Extensions/ folder on new SL disk.
12. repair permissions in Terminal:
sudo -s
chown -R root:wheel /Volumes/YOUR_PARTITIONS_NAME/System/Library/Extensions/*
chmod -R 755 /Volumes/YOUR_PARTITIONS_NAME/System/Library/Extensions/*

If your SL disk has more than one word in the name separated with a space, like 'Snow Leopard' the syntax is:

sudo -s
chown -R root:wheel /Volumes/Snow\ Leopard/System/Library/Extensions/*
chmod -R 755 /Volumes/Snow\ Leopard/System/Library/Extensions/*

Some other sources have said to:
Delete /System/Library/Extensions.kextcache and /System/Library/Extensions.mkext
so that the kext cache will be rebuilt when it is not found at boot time.
Another source said to:
Delete /System/Library/Extensions.mkext and /System/Library/Extensions/Caches/
'to clear extensions cache manually'.
Personally, I couldn't find any of the files or the Caches folder in the path that was specified. Maybe they don't exist until after the first time the system boots? And maybe the path for the Cache folder should have been /System/Library/Caches/ (this does exist). Or maybe these methods are for OS X before Snow Leopard?
At any rate, in step 16. below, using the -f flag at boot time appears to do the same thing.

13. install Chameleon 1.0.12 (also known as: PC EFI v9 Chameleon Bootloader) on that partition and replace the /boot file - drag-and-drop the original boot file in the Trash and using Terminal, copy the new boot file (added in pack - both Chameleon installer and the boot file are contained in 'bootloader 2.dmg' installer in the ThinkPad- X61 Pack) to the new SL disk root- see instructions below:

!!!! BIG NOTE: There is a Readme.RTF file in the Chameleon installer folder 'Snow Alternative' that opens when you run Bootloader2.dmg ('Snow Alternative' will also mount itself when the Bootloader2.dmg is run)… the instructions in the Readme are incorrect! The instructions say:
1. Install the Chameleon Package.
2. Using Terminal, copy "boot" to the root of the volume you installed Chameleon on.

sudo -s
cp. /Volumes/Snow Alternative/boot /Volumes/<<VolumeName>>

This is incorrect syntax for Snow Leopard. The '.' after 'cp' should not be there. The '.' was an 'auto-correction' added by 'TextEdit' when creating this 'Readme.RTF' that was not caught by the writer.
The path also has incorrect syntax. In 'Terminal' when a directory has 2 words separated by a space, the syntax is not:

/FirstWord SecondWord/

it is:

/FirstWord\ SecondWord/

The correct syntax should be:

sudo -s
cp /Volumes/Snow\ Alternative/boot /Volumes/<<VolumeName>>

If your new SL disk name is: Snow Leopard , the corrected command in Terminal is:

sudo -s
cp /Volumes/Snow\ Alternative/boot /Volumes/Snow\ Leopard/

14. add the following code to /Library/Preferences/System Configuration/ on the [new SL] X61's partition:
<string>da0300000100000003000000390000000100000002 010c00d041030a000000000101060000197fff040016000000 6200750069006c0074002d0069006e00000005000000017202 00000a00000002010c00d041030a000000000101060000027f ff04001e00000072006f006d002d0072006500760069007300 69006f006e0000002a0000004f70656e474c20456e67696e65 20616374697661746564207669612045464920537472696e67 2a0000004100410050004c00300031002c0044006100740061 004a0075007300740069006600790000000800000001000000 1c0000004100410050004c00300031002c0050006900700065 0000000800000001000000260000004100410050004c002c00 4e0075006d0044006900730070006c00610079007300000008 00000004000000200000004100410050004c002c0048006100 7300500061006e0065006c00000008000000010000002e0000 004100410050004c002c004e0075006d004600720061006d00 65006200750066006600650072007300000008000000020000 001c0000004100410050004c00300031002c00450044004900 440000008400000000ffffffffffff004ca345490000000000 110103802115780a87f594574f8c2727505400000001010101 010101010101010101010101ee1a008050201030103013004b cf100000190000000f00000000000000000023870264010000 00fe0053414d53554e470a2020202020000000fe004c544e31 353458412d4c30310a0041380000004100410050004c002c00 530065006c0066005200650066007200650073006800530075 00700070006f00720074006500640000000800000001000000 1c0000004100410050004c002c004800610073004c00690064 00000008000000010000001e0000004100410050004c003000 31002c00440065007000740068000000080000002000000023 0100000700000002010c00d041030a0000000001010600001b 7fff040028000000500069006e0043006f006e006600690067 00750072006100740069006f006e0073000000040000001c00 00007200650076006900730069006f006e002d006900640000 00080000000100000018000000760065006e0064006f007200 2d006900640000000800000086800000180000006c00610079 006f00750074002d00690064000000080000000a0000002c00 0000730075006200730079007300740065006d002d00760065 006e0064006f0072002d0069006400000008000000d4110000 1e000000730075006200730079007300740065006d002d0069 00640000000800000084190000160000006200750069006c00 74002d0069006e0000000500000000</string>

To add the code to, start up Terminal and enter the commands:

sudo -s

cd /Volumes/Snow\ Leopard/Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/


Copy the code from this tutorial, step 14, and paste it to the Terminal window between these 2 lines:

[Add the 4 lines of code with an indenting TAB at the beginning of each line here]

'Control-X' to save the file and 'Return' to accept '' as the filename & save

Before you exit Terminal you can check to see that everything was entered and save in the correct location by entering:


You should see the changes you made in the file.

15. unmount/eject the disk, insert it back into your ThinkPad
16. you should see the chameleon loading, boot with flag -f
(The -f flag tells Darwin to reload all kext and dump the boot configuration cache)

At power-up:
A. ThinkPad Splash screen: 'To interrupt normal startup, press the blue ThinkVantage button'
Options when 'ThinkVantage' button is pressed:
ESC to resume normal startup
F1 to enter BIOS Setup Utility
F12 to choose a temporary startup device
Press ENTER to pause…

B. Blinking '_' for about 2 seconds…

C. Darwin /x86 boot v5.0.132 - Chameleon v1.0.1.2
Build date: 2009-02-09 18:24:37
4022MB memory
VESA v3.0 7MB (Intel®Crestline Graphics Chip Accelerated VGA BIOS)
Press any key to enter startup options (counts down from 4 before booting…)

When a key is pressed at startup:
D. Darwin /x86 boot v5.0.132 - Chameleon v1.0.1.2
Build date: 2009-02-09 18:24:37
4022MB memory
VESA v3.0 7MB (Intel®Crestline Graphics Chip Accelerated VGA BIOS)
Use [arrow up/arrow down] keys to select the startup volume.

hd(0,2) X61SnowLeopard

Press Enter to start up Darwin/x86 with no options. or you can:
Type -v and press Enter to start up with diagnostic messages
Type ? and press Enter to learn about advanced startup options

boot: [this is where you type in ' -f ' and 'Enter' to 'ignore boot configuration file']

What's working:
- Ethernet
- WiFi (shows as Airport)
- Graphics (X3100) full support
- Display brightness control (use Pause and ScrLk to change the backlight)
- Firewire
- Keyboard and trackpoint
- SDHC card reader
- Audio (with mic and headphones jack)

What's not working:
- Battery meter / power settings
- FSB and multiplier is wrong (same problem as with 10.5.7-10.5.8) - injecting via smbios.plist doesn't help
- No SpeedStep
- Sleep/Wake
- Shutdown/Reboot (probably because of FakeSMC)

Didn't try the PCMCIA driver yet, but it should also work.

Most of the credit goes to people from this thread:
I've only adapted some things in order for it to work with Snow Leopard.

I'll upload the kext+DSDT pack in a moment and edit this post to add a link.

Note on running the 64 bit kernel:
It works, but no LAN, no WiFi, no audio and no internal keyboard or trackpoint. If somebody can compile the 64 bit versions of Intel82566MM,
VoodooHDA and VoodooPS2 then that would be cool.

You can also use Chameleon RC1 with replaced boot file for netkas's EFI 10.2. It works, but for some reason it defaults to x64 so you must manually boot
to 32-bit by this flag: -x32


Some Additional Notes

• How to check Whether your Mac has the 32-bit EFI or 64-bit EFI: When you are reading this i m sure you understand that you can boot into full 64bit mode if your Mac has 64-bit EFI. Also note that Apple disabled 64-bit kernel support for any Macbooks, even- with 64-bit EFI. So if you have an older Mac Pro, iMac and you wants to check Whether your Mac has the 32-bit EFI or 64-bit EFI just enter the following command in Terminal:

ioreg -l -p IODeviceTree | grep firmware-abi

And you’ll get the answer either “EFI32″ or “EFI64.”

• How to boot 64-bit Kernel by default at every boot: Though you have a EFI64 and 64-bit compatible Mac your install will boot into 32-bit- kernel by default. Thanx to Netkas for highlighting a trick to change default boot kernel. All you have to do is edit a string file in To edit boot.plist navigate to /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/ and open the boot.plist with text editor and find the following string:
<key>Kernel Flags</key> 

and change it to:

<key>Kernel Flags</key> 

That’s it, now your installation will boot in to 64-bit kernel mode every time. So no more holding down the ‘6′ and ‘4′ keys during boot. Just in case if you need to boot the 32-bit kernel just hold down the ‘3′ and ‘2′ keys during boot.


To boot in 32-bit kernel mode every time use this code:

<key>Kernel Flags</key> 

Method 2: On-disk setting (persistent)
To select the 64-bit kernel for the current startup disk, use the following command in Terminal:

sudo systemsetup -setkernelbootarchitecture x86_64

To select the 32-bit kernel for the current startup disk, use the following command in Terminal:

sudo systemsetup -setkernelbootarchitecture i386

Note: This setting is stored in the /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/ file and will take effect every time you start up from this disk. If you start up from a different disk, the setting on that disk, or the hardware default, will take effect.

DSMOS.kext + OpenHaltRestart.kext also work and there's reboot and shutdown capability.

Battery meter and power management works with Superhai's VoodooPower.kext

Terminal Command reference -


Last edited by virtualdiver; 11-17-2009 at 01:58 AM.
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Old 11-17-2009, 01:32 AM
virtualdiver virtualdiver is offline
Join Date: Nov 2009
Posts: 10
Some questions for clarification, for NIXin

1. In the /ThinkPad- X61 Pack/X61-BrightnessPack/ subfolder there is a file called 'lenovo_x61_sound_ether_3100-efi-string.plist'
What is this for?

2. The /ThinkPad- X61 Pack/Backlight Stuff/ subfolder is empty… is this supposed to be empty?

3. From Step
7. "Install the latest fakeSMC.kext"- There is a note on the netkas page that says "p.s. this doesn't work well with voodoo kernel, because voodoo kernel blocks Don't Steal mac os.kext, so you need to use dsmos/ appledecrypt anyway". I don't think this applies to the other voodoo kexts, though).
I am still getting a kernal panic at bootup… could this be the cause?

4. From Step
8. "add the ID of Atheros card to IO80211Family.kext (see the link on bottom on how to do that)"
• What 'link on bottom' are you talking about?

5. From Step
11. "install VoodooHDA (for audio), VoodooPS2Controller (for keyboard and Trackpoint) and IOSDHCIBlockDevice.kext (for SDHC card reader) and Intel82566MM.kext (for LAN)"
• The installer for Voodoo PS2Controller (for keyboard and Trackpoint) actually has a selection for 'keyboard' and 'Trackpad', can I assume it works with the 'TrackPoint' as well?

6. From Step
14. "add the following code to [/Library/Preferences/System Configuration/] on the [new SL] X61's partition:"
• Please see my method of adding the code using Terminal in the 'Tutorial' section. Is this correct? Copy-and-paste from your 'infinitemac' website tutorial, right?
• What does this code do?
• Is this code for the Atheros card?
• Is this the found in /Library/Preferences/System Configuration/ ?
• Or is there another copy that is in the root directory
("add the following code to on the X61's partition:") after Chameleon has been installed????

7. At the end of your tutorial you mention 3 kexts:
Superhai's VoodooPower.kext
• What is the best source to get these from?

8. What is your X61s Model and BIOS version?
Mine is:
X61S Type 7668-CTO
BIOS Version: 1.05 (7NET24WW)
BIOS Date (Y-M-D) 2007-06-15
Embedded Controller Version 1.02
CPU Type Intel® Core™ 2 Duo CPU L7500
CPU Speed 1.60 GHz
Installed memory 4096 MB

9. In the ThinkPad-X61 Pack DSDT folder there are 2 files... dsdt.aml and dsdt_fixed.txt... the dsdt.aml has the icon of a Unix Executable file, but the dsdt.aml I have on my 2 working Hackintoshes are document files... they are located in the 'Extras' folder in my working machines, and in the root of the x61s install. The working machines also have, Extensions.mkext, smbios.plist and a 'Themes' folder. The 'Extras' folder on my x61s is empty (maybe this last part is normal for an unconfigured install). Should the dsdt.aml be in the 'Extras' folder, and why does it have a 'Unix Executable file' icon instead of a 'Document' icon??? And what is the dsdt_fixed.txt file???

Last edited by virtualdiver; 11-17-2009 at 08:20 PM.
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Old 11-18-2009, 10:16 PM
adrimaxi adrimaxi is offline
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Hi I am planning to install snow leo on my x61... So I am wondering where I could fine the x61 pack... link is dead :-(
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Old 11-19-2009, 04:10 PM
virtualdiver virtualdiver is offline
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Posts: 10

just checked- link still good.
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Old 11-22-2009, 06:56 PM
adrimaxi adrimaxi is offline
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Sorry I get:
Oops! (404)
We can't find the page you're looking for. Check out our FAQ or forums for help. Or maybe you should try heading home
Because the link is with the %5D at the end... But with out it works: thanks
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