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Old 03-29-2008, 10:31 PM
kisho kisho is offline
Join Date: Mar 2008
Posts: 87
[cite] milanca:[/cite]Sorry for posting it a little bit late, i've just seen what is the this issue about.

kisho: I had the same problem once before with my wife's Intel dual core laptop. Based on VIA chipset, i made the installation for it to boot and recognize built-in sata hard, etc etc. Later i gave up with that laptop as there is no graphic support for via chrome9 onboard gfx.

I also had infinite loop at 'transfering data from another mac' then back to pick your language and keyboard. To bypass this use very low graphics mode at boot promt, like : "Graphics Mode"="640x480x32" . It will completely bypass those fields, account creation. Once you're in Leopard you can fix it all from there, install network, graphics, etc.
ok thanks
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