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Old 02-12-2010, 07:32 AM
bukey04 bukey04 is offline
Join Date: Feb 2010
Posts: 2
Replacing a kernel

I just do not understand how to do this. I have read everywhere and it must be too simple because no one really explains it. Most people tell you how to replace a kernel on a completed os installation. I am using the usb drive method and still installing snow leopard.

If the PC has a Pentium D... I am going to need the patched mach_kernel. How do I put the patched kernel onto the USB drive?

Thanks for any help!
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Old 02-12-2010, 06:11 PM
nypnyc nypnyc is offline
Join Date: Jan 2010
Posts: 5
Most of the time you can do it easily.

If the machine boots but you want to switch the kernel:

1: copy the new kernel to the root, but with a different name ie mach_kernel.voodoo
At the darwin boot prompt type without quotes "mach_kernel.voodoo -v

The added -v at the end starts the computer in verbose mode, showing you what is going on.

Then when your machine gets updates, you wont have to keep changing the kernel, because you are always typing that in the beginning. You can modify what kernel your machine starts from, but im sure thats covered somewhere...

If you are going to change it manually every time apple updates the kernel then:

1: go to terminal and paste w/o quotes: "defaults write AppleShowAllFiles YES"
2: in the root directory (finder) there is a file called mach_kernel, rename it mach_kernel old
If you cant rename mach_kernel, copy it to desktop, rename it, then copy it back to root, then delete mach kernel from root, thus making a space for the new kernel.
3: copy new mach_kernel to the root.
4: go to terminal and paste w/o quotes: "defaults write AppleShowAllFiles NO"

If you are doing this from a command line, ugh not my thing.
From windows, you will need a app that views mac disks, ie macdrive.

Today i switched from voodoo 9.5 to voodoo 9.7, and I am looking for anv kernels with decrypt. So if any one knows a working link (rapidshare is always too busy) plz msg me!
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Old 02-13-2010, 10:36 AM
bukey04 bukey04 is offline
Join Date: Feb 2010
Posts: 2
Thanks for the reply. I lost my mac I was using for a day or two but ill be sure and try this asap. Thanks for the help!

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