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Old 11-18-2009, 01:43 AM
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Shaanky98 Shaanky98 is offline
Join Date: Sep 2009
Posts: 10
As for the Sound I am using VooDooHDA.kexts and the Voodoo HDA Helper note that the has to be added to the system/library/ext

Voodoo HDA Helper goes in the Apps/utilies

Then go to (system pref/accounts/login items) add the Voodoo HDA Helper to the list of apps that should auto start at login. Reboot all should word.

As for LAN I am using AttansicL1Etheret.kext

Here the kext for Audio and LAN

OS X 10.6.1 64bit Mobo P5E-VM HDMIHDD- S.A.T.A 3 X 1000GB 80GB DVD RW- S.A.T.A DDR2 - 2x2GB 800 MHZ Graphics Card- GeForce 7300 GT Intel Core™2 Extreme Q6600, 2.66 GHz o/c=>3.02GHZ Mac Pro Case
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