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Old 03-04-2010, 02:24 AM
uman uman is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Location: USA
Posts: 103
Help: Installed Retail SL On External USB Hard Drive Using MBP: Can Haz Chameleon?


I haven't really asked for help before, but have done my best to help others, primarily in the DSDT forum. But now I need some help. (I'm not a noob-- I'm a programmer with lots of UNIX shell experience, so if the help requires commands, no fear). Questions in red, below, thanks in advance.

I'm tying to install a retail DVD of SL that I just bought. When I installed Leopard before it was really just to try it out, as I developed a rare nickel allergy to my MacBook Pro and I gave it off to my son. So I just used iPC, and stuck at 10.5.6, while 10.5.7 & 10.5.8, came & went. Retail seems to hold the promise of easier updating, and I want to do it with a hidden EFI partition.

But I haven't done a retail install before, and the scene changes fast! I followed prasys's guide here ( and tried the 1st three methods: (1) manual USB install, (2) simplified USB install, (3) run installer from leopard. All failed at different steps. I tried several fixes, and got impatient.

So I took my destination hard drive (a WD WD6400BEVT 640GB in a USB case), and connected it to the Leopard-based MacBook Pro. I formatted and partitioned the WD using GPT. I then installed SL on that external WD using the MBP.

I'd now like to "convert" the WD to use in my hackbook, a Gateway MX8738, that I upgraded with a Core 2 Duo T5200 off ebay. My goal is to get SL installed on the WD, then use the Migration Assistant to get my data off my currently installed drive. Once done, I'll swap the drives and use the old one as a backup.

Is it??? as simple as

1. Connect the WD to my hackbook, and install Chameleon (RC4??) on it into the EFI partition.
2. Populate /Volumes/EFI/Extras with necessary kexts (I know I will need ApplePS2Controller or VoodooPS2Controller, VoodooHDA, fakeSMC, PlatformUUID, etc)
3. I'd like to keep /S/L/E straight retail, but I know I need a modified IOATAFamily.kext (presumably just the plugin AppleIntelPIIXATA.kext) because I believe the DVD drive uses PATA. Can the modified one go into /EFI/Extra and it will get loaded first?
4. Rebuild any .mkext caches
5. Pop my DSDT.aml in /EFI/Extra??? Where does Chameleon want it?

Is that sufficient?

Specs: Gateway laptop MX8738, Core 2 Duo T5200, GMA950, ICH7, keyboard/trackpad requiring PS/2, Sigmatel 9250, Intel Pro/100 VE, wireless: AR242x that Airport picks up automatically.

MacBook Pro - have allergy to nickel in the aluminum casing. So my kid gets an expensive toy!

Gateway MX 8738 - Retail, vanilla Snow Leopard 10.6.2 (thanks kizwan!) with Chameleon RC4, modified DSDT. Upgraded to Core 2 CPU (easy to do). Upgraded to 640GB drive. Everything but SD card working. Minor niggles. GMA950 with QE/CI and *no* artifacts.

iMac (luxo/lamp) G4 with Tiger.
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