Thread: FixUp 1a Beta
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Old 05-27-2009, 04:16 PM
freakqnc freakqnc is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 1
Originally Posted by throttlemeister View Post
Ah yes, the same wonderful and helpful attitude the Linux community had in 1994. Default response to any question: RTFM, even if there is none. The 'elite' had figured it out by themselves, so anyone who couldn't make it work was not worthy of their attention.

Really great attitude. Especially for a n00b on these forums. Why don't you go back where ever you came from and take your attitude with you? People here try to help others. If it is not for you, move along to something that is. No need to make an ass out of yourself.
Well said throttlemeister, evidently this disgruntle user hasn't even cared to read the general rules of the IM forum. Just in case he/she happens to come back to this post, let's remind him/her in choir why those comments are not in line with the forum rules. So, dear pater, here's are the rules as a friendly reminder for you and this time please, take the time to read and respect them.
Thank you in advance from all of us in the community for avoiding posting unnecessary comments like the one you left here earlier on

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